For many, my family included, this day/weekend means "belly up to the bar." I know my sibs took part in that and well, my dad takes part in this regularly (love you dad). For my daughter who is not of drinking age yet, this meant belly down on the street trying to pick up candy with her mouth.
Here is the scene: St. Patty's Day parade, Madison, WI [read: low expectations]. Candy is being thrown to the masses (adjust your perceptions as needed) and the peasants are running to pick it up. Maeve didn't miss a beat. Due to the fact that her hands were imprisoned in her snowsuit, she resorted to the next best thing...belly down on the pavement, coaxing a piece of candy (which she doesn't even know the joy of yet) into her mouth. I did have a brief moment of thought, "I could pretend she is not mine!" The thought of all the winter's dirt being licked up by her tongue made me reach down for her. People around us soon began handing her candy - I think in hopes to avoid another embarrassing situation.
Well, Happy St. Patty's Day to you. Hope you had a good one!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
SPRING was here today. I do not want to get too cocky and think I can put away the down jacket just yet. After all, the first official day of Spring is still about a week away.

Oh, how wonderful it was. I rushed home today to spend a bit of time out of doors. (Ok, Ok, the daylight savings thing has its perks.) Maeve and I took a walk around the block. The first time she has really walked around in our new digs. It's been so cold and icy that the thought of having her struggle with walking around was too much for either Mark or I to take. Her little feet have hit the pavement very little this past season.
On one of her first forays, she made it a point to step ankle deep in a puddle. The fact that the water was bitter cold did not seem to phase her one bit. She stomped her feet and splashed around. Next purchase, rain boots! I wish I had taken the camera out for that too, but alas, some moments are just meant to be experienced.
Remind you of anyone?

Ok, while I'll admit that most of the time Maeve looks just like Mark - the previous post makes my point. When I see her in this jacket, it reminds me of a picture of myself in a very similar jacket. The green jacket my Aunt Pat always speaks of.
Happy Spring everyone! Get outside, you could all use the vitamin D!
Oh, how wonderful it was. I rushed home today to spend a bit of time out of doors. (Ok, Ok, the daylight savings thing has its perks.) Maeve and I took a walk around the block. The first time she has really walked around in our new digs. It's been so cold and icy that the thought of having her struggle with walking around was too much for either Mark or I to take. Her little feet have hit the pavement very little this past season.
On one of her first forays, she made it a point to step ankle deep in a puddle. The fact that the water was bitter cold did not seem to phase her one bit. She stomped her feet and splashed around. Next purchase, rain boots! I wish I had taken the camera out for that too, but alas, some moments are just meant to be experienced.
Remind you of anyone?
Ok, while I'll admit that most of the time Maeve looks just like Mark - the previous post makes my point. When I see her in this jacket, it reminds me of a picture of myself in a very similar jacket. The green jacket my Aunt Pat always speaks of.
Happy Spring everyone! Get outside, you could all use the vitamin D!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
In the Money
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Daylight Savings
Why is this necessary?
This seriously screws up my day. My child does not read a clock, nor would she care if she could. I'm off and it's gonna take a few days to work this all out.
This seriously screws up my day. My child does not read a clock, nor would she care if she could. I'm off and it's gonna take a few days to work this all out.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Maeve is busy soaking up the English language (wish it were more than just English) and in her use of the language is busy mastering interjections! If you don't remember what interjections are, check out this video from School House Rock. I wish this were still on. Guess I can just get busy downloading the videos from You Tube. You Tube - Wow!
"Whoa" is her latest. Learned from her Pa who says this more than I think he realizes, but I digress. This morning I was fishing a booger from Maeve's nose, a habit that started early when her nostrils didn't seem large enough to move air when they were clean, much less when they were blocked up with boogers (Helen knows what I'm talking about here). Anyway, large booger mining successful, Maeve saw it on my finger and was immediately fascinated. She wanted to examine it as any good budding scientist would. After a good look, she exclaimed, "Whoa!" Despite my sleepiness, I laughed very hard.
It's the little things in your day that keep ya going!
"Whoa" is her latest. Learned from her Pa who says this more than I think he realizes, but I digress. This morning I was fishing a booger from Maeve's nose, a habit that started early when her nostrils didn't seem large enough to move air when they were clean, much less when they were blocked up with boogers (Helen knows what I'm talking about here). Anyway, large booger mining successful, Maeve saw it on my finger and was immediately fascinated. She wanted to examine it as any good budding scientist would. After a good look, she exclaimed, "Whoa!" Despite my sleepiness, I laughed very hard.
It's the little things in your day that keep ya going!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Case of the Missing Boot
For close to a week now, one of Maeve's boots has been MIA. May not seem like a big deal, but when it is the only pair of shoes that my child will keep on, it was a bit disconcerting. While Mark and I had no idea where the boot might be, we did know that Maeve had stashed it somewhere. Maeve is big on putting items into other things.
An APB went out and Mark and I set to looking in all the usual places, the drawer with all her cups, her purses, the hat/mitten basket, but no boot. We searched high, we searched low, and yes, we even searched in. Searching in included sifting through the diaper pail before the diapers went out to make sure Maeve had not placed it there. I figured out to look there for things when one day I found Maeve had stuffed all the diaper covers in the pail. That probably explains the two missing diaper covers too!
Alas today, Mark and I had given up. We thought the boot might be in the trash, but after so many days, we had resolved ourselves that the boot was a goner as neither of us was willing to put it back on Maeve after living in the trash for a week.
Leave it to another kiddo though to find the other boot. We had a two year old over tonight and as he searched through the toys (which I did many times) he pulled out a boot. I was delighted although not completely convinced it wasn't the one boot we knew the where abouts of. A sigh of relief when I had the left and the right together again.
Tomorrow I suspect Maeve's feet will be warm for the first time in a week. Ah, she didn't seem to mind.
An APB went out and Mark and I set to looking in all the usual places, the drawer with all her cups, her purses, the hat/mitten basket, but no boot. We searched high, we searched low, and yes, we even searched in. Searching in included sifting through the diaper pail before the diapers went out to make sure Maeve had not placed it there. I figured out to look there for things when one day I found Maeve had stuffed all the diaper covers in the pail. That probably explains the two missing diaper covers too!
Alas today, Mark and I had given up. We thought the boot might be in the trash, but after so many days, we had resolved ourselves that the boot was a goner as neither of us was willing to put it back on Maeve after living in the trash for a week.
Leave it to another kiddo though to find the other boot. We had a two year old over tonight and as he searched through the toys (which I did many times) he pulled out a boot. I was delighted although not completely convinced it wasn't the one boot we knew the where abouts of. A sigh of relief when I had the left and the right together again.
Tomorrow I suspect Maeve's feet will be warm for the first time in a week. Ah, she didn't seem to mind.
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