Saturday, November 17, 2007


... is the latest in her language bank that she is trying to master. She says it often and often out of context, but she is working on it. Today she got the meaning right as she was playing with a new toy during a diaper change. Maeve was playing with said toy she got for her birthday. A toy that was given by a family member that clearly must have a vendetta against us, her parents. It's got bright lights and makes tons of noise. The main reasons that it is being reserved for diaper changes only...keeps her attention and it's a short enough dose that I am less likely to throw it out the window. But I digress. Maeve took this toy and intentionally hung it over the side of the changing table and slowly lightened her grip on it. She waited for the "thud" and announced, "uh-oh." Reply, "uh-oh is right. Don't think you're getting that back until the next time I try to wrangle you into a clean, dry diaper."

Which, while I'm on the subject, why do kids this age fight the diaper changes so much. I would think it is a relief to be in a dry, clean diaper. It's cold out, what could be worse than some thing cold and soggy on your bottom. I'm sad to say, the cleanliness factor I think is lost on kids. They don't seem to mind that they sit around in their own excrement. It's theirs after all.

Anyway, syllable by syllable she'll build her vocabulary. I'll help her practice, especially if it helps us practically get through the day.

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