Friday, February 29, 2008

A few pics

As promised to Aunt Megan, I posted pics as soon as she booked a flight to Madison.

Here is my little lush again. It will be hard to defend myself to CPS with two photos of my daughter running around with beer bottles. This one she fished out of the recycle bin. What can I do about that. We're trying to be good to the earth around here.

This next one is of Maeve, her evil eye and her bike. She is getting more skilled. Now she can hold onto the cup, get on the bike and ride around. She still needs to stop to eat or drink - which isn't a bad thing. We all probably should ease up on the multi-tasking while we are driving.

This next one is the artsy shot taken by Mark's friend Steve. I just liked it. Maeve in the background reading a book to her frog.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Full Month

Holy cow, the month is almost over. Phew is what I say. It's been a busy and very sick month here at the Maeve Space. We did have some welcome relief from Canada blow our way though. NO, not the 20 inches of snow that fell on Madison (this month alone); Helen, Jake and Milo stayed with us for a week.

Helen, Jake and Milo as many of you know are on sebatical in Montreal until May. The were headed back to Madison for a week and because their own house is rented out, they had to settle for the Healy Eisenhandler abode. I hope they'll tell you it was enjoyable. I think all 4 of the adults were seriously hoping to have the other as friends when the week was over and I think we accomplished that!

Maeve and Mark started getting sick while our guest were still here (and unfortunately passed on their bug to Milo). The plague has since spread to me and it seems to be a hard little bug to kick. We have all had fevers over 100 and boy, adults are just not made to hack those anymore. Me, the ever relaxed parent about illness and injury (unless it's serious of course) decided today that Maeve should get checked out. She has had some intermittent fevers for the past week and a half and that's just not normal. Alas, we found out that Maeve has a double ear infection. A doozy in the left ear too. She started antibiotics today (her first ever, which is pretty darn amazing, almost 16mo old). So Helen, as you are reading this, if Milo gets another fever, go get his ears checked out.

So, we all lay in the sick bay trying to recover. I will try to post a bit more, though upcoming midwifery clients might keep me busy for a bit. Wish me well. I will also try to get some pictures of Maeve up that Mark's friend took recently. She's a cutie!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Must remain caffeine free

Of course I spoke a bit prematurely with the last post - mostly by my own doing though.

I've known for sometime that Maeve is sensitive to caffeine that I have consumed. The closer that caffeine consumption is to her bed time, the worse she sleeps. How could I resist though. Mark sent me out to the yarn store yesterday afternoon for some time to myself. In the store is a little cafe, complete with chai lattes. I love chai, but my love affair with it has been interrupted by the child, like many things I did pre-child. I sat with drinking my chai after purchasing some lovely yarn for one of the next projects (the list is long). Caffeine usually makes me feel pretty good and it does not take much. Apparently does not take Maeve too much either.

Maeve was up lots last night which wasn't so good for this mama who has been fighting off a cold. Bummer. Oh well, I did get a mental health day out of it - I'm playing hookie from work. Hhmm, if there are any ACHC folks reading this, keep that little tid-bit to yourself!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sweet Sleep

I'm over thinking that talking about it is going to curse it. I've moved on to a different point of view, which is that I will speak it out loud and often and I will will sleep into my life.

I am happy to report that sleep has been much better these days. Often only waking once in the night (outside of being sick that is - who could blame her). Maeve even peppered the last month with 3 (THREE) all-nighters. The first ever on record. It is amazing to wake in the morning and have had more than 2 hours of consecutive sleep. I'm over thinking she has stopped breathing. It's glorious. Anyone who tells you sleep deprivation is not a form of torture has clearly not experienced true deprivation.

I've been told over the last month that I'm looking good - that might have something to do with the additional 5 lbs I lost recently (I'll be breastfeeding well into Maeve's college years). Personally, I think it may be the lack of bags under my eyes! No one looks appealing with dark circles outlining their eyes.

So, off I go to bed tonight. I don't even care who wins the SuperBowl.