As promised to Aunt Megan, I posted pics as soon as she booked a flight to Madison.
Here is my little lush again. It will be hard to defend myself to CPS with two photos of my daughter running around with beer bottles. This one she fished out of the recycle bin. What can I do about that. We're trying to be good to the earth around here.

This next one is of Maeve, her evil eye and her bike. She is getting more skilled. Now she can hold onto the cup, get on the bike and ride around. She still needs to stop to eat or drink - which isn't a bad thing. We all probably should ease up on the multi-tasking while we are driving.

This next one is the artsy shot taken by Mark's friend Steve. I just liked it. Maeve in the background reading a book to her frog.

Here is my little lush again. It will be hard to defend myself to CPS with two photos of my daughter running around with beer bottles. This one she fished out of the recycle bin. What can I do about that. We're trying to be good to the earth around here.

This next one is of Maeve, her evil eye and her bike. She is getting more skilled. Now she can hold onto the cup, get on the bike and ride around. She still needs to stop to eat or drink - which isn't a bad thing. We all probably should ease up on the multi-tasking while we are driving.

This next one is the artsy shot taken by Mark's friend Steve. I just liked it. Maeve in the background reading a book to her frog.