Monday, February 4, 2008

Must remain caffeine free

Of course I spoke a bit prematurely with the last post - mostly by my own doing though.

I've known for sometime that Maeve is sensitive to caffeine that I have consumed. The closer that caffeine consumption is to her bed time, the worse she sleeps. How could I resist though. Mark sent me out to the yarn store yesterday afternoon for some time to myself. In the store is a little cafe, complete with chai lattes. I love chai, but my love affair with it has been interrupted by the child, like many things I did pre-child. I sat with drinking my chai after purchasing some lovely yarn for one of the next projects (the list is long). Caffeine usually makes me feel pretty good and it does not take much. Apparently does not take Maeve too much either.

Maeve was up lots last night which wasn't so good for this mama who has been fighting off a cold. Bummer. Oh well, I did get a mental health day out of it - I'm playing hookie from work. Hhmm, if there are any ACHC folks reading this, keep that little tid-bit to yourself!

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