Sunday, July 5, 2009

Maeve Space update

We are about settled in our new home now. I'm sure 10 years from now we'll still have a few boxes to sort through. Why we can't just get rid of them now? I'll never be able to explain the desires of the heart for total crap.

Maeve is adapting well to her new space. Her skills on the playground have quadrupled since being here and getting to see older kids on the playground. Now if she could just learn to pump her feet on the swing, we'd be all set. Instead, she is into swinging on her belly, which often means standing by to guard her head as she swings wildly past the upright poles of the swingset. Suppose it will take a few crashes before she makes some adjustments.

Potty time is going well...most of the time. Most days Maeve has figured out how to master her bladder. I think initially her draw to the potty was to set up her gear, potty seat and stool to help her onto the bowl. It's frightening to see her climb up there on her own. I can't believe we haven't found her knee deep in the bowl yet, or worse, head deep. She manages though. Other days, mama is doing laundry like mad to make sure there are enough undies for tomorrow.

On other adapting news. Our dear friends Hannah, Sam, Anabelle and Silas have left for their year hiatus in Australia. We will miss them like mad!! We are hopeful that we'll get to take a trip across that great ocean to see them though.

And as if one of our favorite families leaving wasn't enough, Jody, Jeremy and Ethan will be leaving at the end of July for their next adventure. Jody was accepted to Dartmouth Medical School and Jeremy will be participating in a year long teacher training program. Ethan plans on cramming more things into his mouth and spending time with his grandparents.

The remainder of the family here at Maeve space is just busy gestating. The summer is proving to be a cool one. This may upset many out there that look forward to this season every year. However, this pregnant gal is happy to usher in the cooler days. Living inside with A/C has benefits, sure, but I can only take so much. September doesn't seem so far off now.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Digs

I know, it's been forever. What can you do?

Here is Maeve getting aquainted with her new surroundings.

On a slightly less muddy day. The first time I've actually seen her move the bike forward by using the peddles.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Oh to be two. Two is filled with so many wonderful things. I'm still trying to figure out what is so terrible about this age, I hear three is more challenging. Being two means you get to run around the house in a hoodie with your bathing suit over the top when it's 10 degrees outside. You get to crack your family up, or yourself, with your new found sense of humor. It means that when you spontaneously make efforts to go pee on the potty and succeed, all the adults in the house (related by blood or not) dance around with glee! (Diapers, diapers go away, come back some other day.) Being two means filling boxes, bags and whatever you can get your hands on, then dumping it all out and starting over. Being two is cool.

Being two can also mean being part of something bigger...

Due mid September!

Monday, February 9, 2009

More Adventures In Motherhood

I've been away I know, just deal!

My most recent excuse is a sick family. Mark has been sick for a week, that followed my own illness. Now Maeve has picked up the torch and is running. I can now say with some reliability now that when Maeve says, "my belly hurts" that in some undetermined amount of time her stomach will evacuate it's contents by way of oral ejection. My job will be to not react to that statement as if Maeve has just turned into a ticking time bomb...nobody needs that when they are ill.

This past Saturday as Maeve woke with a fever and an achy belly, we prepared for a day of invalid activities. To this mom, on a day that was to reach 52 degrees F, a temperature that we have not seen, much less dared to dream about for many months, meant packing up and walking around the zoo in the stroller. What could be better? Lounging, fresh air and live entertainment! On our way, I decided to stop to pick up some granola at the Farmer's Market. Just as we get inside and are about to order our granola, Maeve's stomach contents found their way to the outside world once again. The both of us were covered in moments.

I was stunned to say the least, not really sure what to do first. I decided to head to the bathroom to discard most of it. Maeve just stood next to me crying as I washed off her jacket and mine. I wrapped up what I could and was going to head home - I did get my granola I'll have you know. If I just got puked on there was going to be some reward.

As we headed to the car, Maeve wrapped in my down vest, she cried, "but the animals mama, the animals." I promised her we make another attempt, but today would not be the day. Home for shower.