Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Oh to be two. Two is filled with so many wonderful things. I'm still trying to figure out what is so terrible about this age, I hear three is more challenging. Being two means you get to run around the house in a hoodie with your bathing suit over the top when it's 10 degrees outside. You get to crack your family up, or yourself, with your new found sense of humor. It means that when you spontaneously make efforts to go pee on the potty and succeed, all the adults in the house (related by blood or not) dance around with glee! (Diapers, diapers go away, come back some other day.) Being two means filling boxes, bags and whatever you can get your hands on, then dumping it all out and starting over. Being two is cool.

Being two can also mean being part of something bigger...

Due mid September!


Unknown said...

I am smiling through the tears!
So excited and thrilled beyond words - I will be a Mimi again!

Helen S. said...

Hello cat in bag!

Jeremy Holiday said...

Dudes and dudettes - this is awesome! I can't help but get chills listening to that sweet, strong gallop of a heartbeat. This is fo' real!

I also love how Maeve seems more interested in the imagined baby in her belly than the real one in Debbie's.

Tell both beans that I love them.

Jeremy Holiday said...

Oh - that was from me, not Jeremy. But I'm sure he feels the same!
