Although admittedly not as gruesome as Helen looked here, for an 11 month old, I think it might be the equivalent.
The block she has in her hand is not the guilty party, but perhaps how she retaliated. Her eye was a bit red and swollen yesterday. Unlike Helen, Maeve's is already looking better the day after.
Now you might ask why I would consider posting a picture of Maeve that is somewhat blurry (despite Mama trying to hold her still by pressing my own face against hers). It's because this is about as good as it gets these days (at least for our little camera). She is in CONSTANT motion. Most the pictures come out looking more like this...
Alas, with the help of a crazy bright flash I caught her on camera appearing somewhat still.
Now the day wasn't over. No, No. This one little monkey rolled off the bed, our bed that is. Mark and I are not totally sure how it all transpired. Just moments earlier she was sleeping peacefully, then "thud." We raced in to pick her prone little crying body off the floor. She's fine, she cried some, but she's fine. Mark suspects she was crying more from the fact that she learned that her parents were total morons rather than the shock or pain.
All is well today, no major bumps or bruises to tell of. I'm sure they'll be more to come though!
well, I guess being infamous is just as good as being famous, eh? I kind of chuckled when I saw Maeve's matching shiner and then was a little sad we weren't able to commiserate together. Kiss her for us though, OK?
Looks like she pulled through the shiner with flying colors.
I remember one night Brendan fell off the bed at Mary and Billy's and was screaming. I think we were in the age range of 5-8. Also, remember the time Brendan got smacked in the face with a baseball? That was quite the shiner. Maybe you should post Helen, Maeve, and Brendan's pictures together for comparison.
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