Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Those Boots Were Made for Walking

OK, well they are not really boots are they. But they are cute little lion Robeez.

While Mimi and Pop Pop were in town, we visited one of our favorite toy/clothing stores. If you've been reading the blog you'll know that Maeve is practicing her walking. Furniture cruising is a specialty of hers. Free walking though, only one step to date. While at the toy store, Maeve found a perfect walking buddy - a little doll buggie/baby walker. The video below was her first go at it. As she started to walk I quickly got my camera going. Had to make sure there was evidence because Pa wasn't with us and I knew he would want to see. The video clearly isn't shot by a professional, but I think it captured the moment just fine. Little did I know that Maeve would continue to walk up and down the store a few more times. I probably could have gotten a better video, but had run out of space on the camera card. Oi, technology.

(just click on the little play button).

Next time I do video, I'll have to remember to keep quiet. I know we are our own worse critics, but I sound goofy!

Judging by her skill here, I don't imagine walking is too far off. And from what a little birdie in Chester told me (and a random FedEx email), Mimi has sent Maeve a walker buggie of her own. Watch out sidewalks, here we come!

1 comment:

Megan said...

She is definitely going to start cruising soon!! She looks so big...I can't believe the difference even between July and now. She looks like little red riding hood that particular day!