Sunday, November 18, 2007


The plan is to fill the front of the refrigerator with pictures of Maeve's family and friends, in particular, the ones that she doesn't get to see that often. For those of you that wish to participate, find or take a picture of yourself to be included on the fridge. Head shots, ones that she can see your face well are probably best. Feel free to email the picture and I'll print it here or you can snail mail the picture too. If you need my address, let me know and I'll be sure to send it your way.

Pictures like her father takes, head tilted to the side, tongue sticking out and eyes bulging, need NOT be included! Mark does plenty of that for her, and for goodness sake, I have to look at that picture each time I reach for my OJ.

1 comment:

Helen S. said...

do you need the Vanderkinos family? Or can you print something from our flickr site?