Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hugs and Kisses
This could be foreboding
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
It's Official - She's Walking
A Mother's Dream
Tonight I took a page from my friend Hannah's notebook. I am in constant admiration that Hannah can get her children to eat almost anything, and always green things. Anabelle chanted with Mark once, "we love kale." I have also witness Silas eating asparagus end over end, kind of like a chain smoker, but not. It's truly amazing. Hannah tells me she just kept trying and of course hid things in other likable foods.
This afternoon on a mission to have her eat carrots, I mushed them up in her favorite yogurt, cottage cheese mix (a page I took from Helen's notebook). Little did she know that her favorite little snack would become the vehicle for goodness.
Then this evening it was like an angel had come down from above and taken over my child. I serve broccoli to her for the first time in many months. The initial trial got spit back out at me and I didn't try again because those darn little florets are hard to pick out of your hair. Anyway, following Hannah's lead, I put some butter the broccoli then poured some Bragg's Amino Acids (taste like soy sauce) over the whole thing. Maeve was eating the broccoli hand over fist, no prompting was needed. I'm down with the little extra fat and salt if it means she gets the other nutrients. Who knows, maybe she'll peak back over the 10% when we go to the doctors office again.
I began a chant of my own, "broccoli is great, give me another plate." She thought this was pretty funny and kept eating. Hopefully it will stick with her and she'll do it again.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Sleeping baby
Early in Maeve's life I needed someone to explain this to me because apparently Maeve instillation of this formula in her little brain was a bit late. Remember the crying! Oi the crying! Now we fully appreciate this formula, have used it to our benefit on many occasion. What I need someone to explain to me now is how running car engine + baby + car stereo as loud as it will go AND a shaking car seat can still = sleeping baby.
Today on a quick trip out in the car, Maeve decided that our ride home was cutting it too close to her nap time. Go figure, she moves it around all the time, how could I know she was going to pick the ride home to kick it. I wanted her to stay awake until we got home so I could put her in her crib and actually think about getting something done (imagine that). First I started singing to her and reaching back and tickling her at all the stop lights. When I stopped any of those, her little lids would drop and her thumb went right into her mouth. Next when all those looked like they had failed, I turned the radio up, full blast, granted it was Gerrison Keillor. Possibly not the best choice to stimulate a child. As that began to fail I started shaking her car seat to keep her awake. The shaking had to register at least a 5.8 on the Richter scale. Despite all this, she fell asleep.
I just don't understand this. Especially because just last night all I had to do was turn over in bed, the sheets would wrinkle a bit and she was up like a Pop-Tart. I do not understand it one bit. If someone has an explanation let me know.
In the end, I hung out in the car reading a book with her while she slept for an hour. Good thing we both had down coats was chilly today. At least I got some reading in.
Friday, December 7, 2007
An overview
It seems that indeed we have a little person on our hands. I know I've said this before, but I am simply amazed by this. A year ago we cared for a little sac-of-needs. Now we on a regular basis received demands from that little being.
Walking is the preferred mode of transportation now. Crawling is merely what she resorts to when she has become frustrated with her wobbling or has shoes on. HATES them. I realize now I may have done myself in for by never putting shoes on her this summer. But then again, she did come out with a foot-loose and fancy free attitude, my shoe choice, or lack there of may not have had anything to with the fact that she rips her shoes (and socks) off at any moment she gets.
She is eating more, which may have a lot to do with the fact that sleeping is getting better. Mark says he stuffed her full that miraculous night. I tried the last two nights to do the same, but she resists me. Maeve sits in her highchair, usually pushed back away from the table with her feet up on the table like some Fortune 500 exec. She prefers things this way, despite the fact that it makes it infinitely harder to reach the Cheerios.
LOVES Cheerios....especially the way they fly through the air when she gives them "5." She learned to give "5" and likes to do it all the time, to anything. It can get a bit rough, so if you choose to engage her in the game, be prepared for a solid "5" to the face. Then she is told to be gentle and thinks that is the funniest thing since raspberries.
Raspberries, she is great at giving them. Hasn't cared for the food version as much though.
"uh-oh" has fallen somewhat out of favor. I think she has probably realized that Fortune 500 execs do not admit mistakes that easily. Has added "hi" to her repertoire. It's super cute to be greeted by the little gal, face pulled over the gate at the top of the stairs, saying HI when I get home. Makes me want to rush home that much faster.
Unfortunately she has added an ingratiating whine to her bag of tricks too. I'm sure there will be words (read: demands) that replace that whine some day, but for now it's short little bursts of a cry that lacks tears...unless she sees you looking. She can squint up her eyes real tight and squeeze out a tear for effect when she is really working it. Hopefully this is just a phase. I told her if she knows what's good for her she'll stop that because it's not going to keep the beasts in the forest away when her parents leave her in the woods. Growling would probably be much more effective.
And that's about it for our day to day. We are just plugging along and watching in awe this little life unfolding before our eyes.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Breaking News
Maeve slept from 8pm to 5am - NO wake ups. Read that again, NO waking up.
Of course her mother didn't. My body is so trained to wake up that I woke at 2:30, 3:30 and 4:30. At 4:30 I had the issue of also supporting the Swiss Alps on my chest so I layed in bed awake, after checking to make sure she was still breathing of course, wishing my chest didn't throb so much. Maeve eventually woke at 5am to eat, for which I was thankful. But I wondered if my brain traffic is what woke her up or did she just wake on her own.
Hopefully a question I'll get to ponder again tonight. I won't hold my breath, but I plan on drugging myself heavily in anticipation. I haven't decided on the drug of choice yet, but that's just details.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Making a Guest Appearance
Uncle Brendan drove out Mark's new car. A Subaru dressed in Saab clothing. It's a zippy car (maybe a bit too zippy) and lots of fun. Let's hope that the car seat in the back slows Mark down some. I don't think Uncle Paul being a State Trooper in NY is really going to help Mark out here in WI. I'm sure if you ask Mark, he'll be happy to share some pics of his lovely new car with you.
Anyway...we had a great time with Brendan and Monica. A day in Madison, complete with folk singing at the Kids in the Rotunda (a free kids concert/gathering every Saturday morning during the school year). A walk down State Street and even better yet milling around Chicago at Navy Pier. Hope we didn't bore them to tears. The plan was to take them to the Essen Haus while in Madison and treat them to a stein, but Mark and I were too tired and I think in bed that night by 10. WooHoo. You'll just need to come back out when we're getting more sleep and can sacrifice a few hours out at the bars!
Lots going on
Let's see...Maeve has had another tooth explosion. Two teeth at the beginning of the month when Grandma and Grandpa where here. Now two more have popped through, with two more on the way.
She is walking a little bit more. She can walk just fine, but I don't think she has her confidence built up just yet to really let go and go for it.
Maeve is talking more. The aforementioned 'Uh-oh' and attempts at other words.
Maeve is mimicking more too. I can't figure out why she does not know how to wave yet, she sure studies everyone waving enough.
So, while our days as adults have slowed in general, Maeve has helped fill them up with new things all the time.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pictures like her father takes, head tilted to the side, tongue sticking out and eyes bulging, need NOT be included! Mark does plenty of that for her, and for goodness sake, I have to look at that picture each time I reach for my OJ.
Alas, we have found ourselves in a more restful sleep cycle. I feel renewed by having more than 2 hours at a time strung together. And while we still don't sleep through the night according to everyone else's definition, I can say that it feels like sleeping through the night to me.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Which, while I'm on the subject, why do kids this age fight the diaper changes so much. I would think it is a relief to be in a dry, clean diaper. It's cold out, what could be worse than some thing cold and soggy on your bottom. I'm sad to say, the cleanliness factor I think is lost on kids. They don't seem to mind that they sit around in their own excrement. It's theirs after all.
Anyway, syllable by syllable she'll build her vocabulary. I'll help her practice, especially if it helps us practically get through the day.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Lucky Girl
Lets see, she has been to a petting zoo, got to play drums on some VERY large pumpkins, celebrate turning one, go to the children's muesem and tour a brewery. Not sure how that last one appealed to her senses, but if she is her father's daughter, she may become a beer connoisseur.
I guess it's only a matter of time until she figures out that her parents are really not that much fun. I'm hoping we have a few years before she finds us to be an embarassment. Then if I take after my father, I'll take joy in her embarassment and behave like a goof. Ya know, as much as he threated that though, I don't recall any of my friends describing him as a goof. Most were scared sh**less of him. Little did they know that he is a total teddy bear. And if you don't believe me, watch him with his granddaughter.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Those Boots Were Made for Walking
OK, well they are not really boots are they. But they are cute little lion Robeez.
While Mimi and Pop Pop were in town, we visited one of our favorite toy/clothing stores. If you've been reading the blog you'll know that Maeve is practicing her walking. Furniture cruising is a specialty of hers. Free walking though, only one step to date. While at the toy store, Maeve found a perfect walking buddy - a little doll buggie/baby walker. The video below was her first go at it. As she started to walk I quickly got my camera going. Had to make sure there was evidence because Pa wasn't with us and I knew he would want to see. The video clearly isn't shot by a professional, but I think it captured the moment just fine. Little did I know that Maeve would continue to walk up and down the store a few more times. I probably could have gotten a better video, but had run out of space on the camera card. Oi, technology.
(just click on the little play button).
Next time I do video, I'll have to remember to keep quiet. I know we are our own worse critics, but I sound goofy!
Judging by her skill here, I don't imagine walking is too far off. And from what a little birdie in Chester told me (and a random FedEx email), Mimi has sent Maeve a walker buggie of her own. Watch out sidewalks, here we come!
The Birthday Girls
My birthday was a great day. The weather was beautiful which is always an essential ingredient for a good day. Mark, Maeve and I went for a hike at Blue Mounds State Park. Mark and I got to walk and talk for over an hour...Maeve was asleep (she's that little striped blob on the right side of the picture). Something that probably only new parents can really appreciate. Mark then took me to dinner at Sardine, a nice restaurant here in town. I even got to get dressed up and Maeve was left at home with a babysitter. Big day for the adults!! Woo-Hoo.
And now that you have all read all that you really want to hear about me. I know how it is. Little interest in anyone but Maeve. She's ONE. A whole year has gone by and so much has changed. She came into the world so peacefully last year, aside from the few expletives her mother was barking. Mark and I watched the video of her birth and shed a few tears as we watched our beautiful daughter take her first breath. This past month she has been working on taking her first steps and practicing her first words. So much happens in a year.
And yet so little changes. Maeve and her sleep habits, mentioned previously on the blog here and here, have changed very little. Many of you probably thought I was just being overly dramatic for the sake of the blog. Mimi and Pop Pop (the Healy's), who came to hang with Maeve on her birthday, can now verify that I have not been embellishing any of it. The eve of Maeve's birthday she thought she would turn our night into an all night dance party. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood to dance. Neither was anyone else for 4 long hours. The car became her sleep inducer once again this weekend. And, thanks to Pop Pop, we all got to meet Jill, his new GPS. The end result being that we did very little for her birthday. Almost everyone was taking a nap, including her (thank goodness) for a good portion of the afternoon. We even tried to do a candle and cake that got thwarted because of a tired baby.
I've got more for you, so stay tuned and I'll be sure to update with more soon.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Book Worm
Into the book store I go, searching for the kids section. I thought Maeve was having convulsions. I couldn't set her down fast enough. She wanted to pull all the books off the shelf and have a taste of each of them. I let her mouth one covered in plastic for a bit while I read a book myself to see if I might be able to tolerate reading it again, and again, and get the picture. Reading time didn't last long though. She is getting more dexterous and deft (a little Seuss inspiration there) and was soon through the plastic and onto the book binding.
I picked her up and told her it was time to go. First I had to clean up all the books, the the stuffed animals that she pulled out and had strewn about her. As we left it was the first time that Maeve made herself known that she didn't like leaving. I'm sure there is more of that to come.
Have fun reading. If you're in need of some good kids books, try Frog and Toad or Gossie and Gertie.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A change for Maeve Space
Let me know what ya think. Remember, change is often hard initially, but we can always go back.
Sweet dreams everyone!
Fun in threes
One friend announced she will be getting married, how lovely for a new fresh start. Good luck and believe.
A different friend shared with me that she and her husband are newly pregnant. Hhhmm...the wonder of a new life. Breathe slow and drink it all in.
The third good thing came through Maeve, as good things in my life often do these days. Maeve and I were called this morning by our lovely midwife, Ingrid, to see if we would join her at a birth. Mark is gone this weekend, off with the corals and our car, so I warned Ingrid I came as a package deal. The birth we were heading to was to be the 5th baby for the couple. We figured Maeve certainly could blend into the chaos that is 4 children mulling around. Chloe, who is now the second youngest, is just 2 months older than Maeve and she is walking. Maeve was fascinated with Chole in a, "wow" sort of way. Chloe was fascinated with Maeve in a "I'm finally not the youngest" kind of way. Watching Chloe walk definitely had Maeve intrigued. As she stood unsupported, as she is doing more and more of these days...along with baby pliés (aka baby squats), she took a step towards Chloe. She looked a bit unbalanced and perplexed so soon let her self down to the floor.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Two by two
As many of you know, Maeve had no teeth at all until she was 7 months old, than BAM...6 teeth all in the span of 1 month. It's like all those little soldiers were piled up behind a door somewhere and finally the door opened and they came spilling out. Fortunately for Maeve, all those teeth at once didn't bother her a bit (or at least we didn't think so). She took it all in stride, granted her shirts were soaked with saliva, but that had been going on since she was 2 months old. We didn't know any differently. Eventually that stopped once her teeth were in and for the first time in many months, Maeve wasn't always holding her own personal wet T-shirt contest. Since that explosion of teeth there havn't been any more. Until this week that is.
We have eye-spyed two upper molars coming in. Wasn't hard to figure out either once Maeve started drooling like a rabid dog again. Unfortunately this time around though, Maeve is feeling kinda crabby and under the weather. She's got a runny nose and real low grade fever on and off. She's just not as happy as she usually is. Sad to see. I'm hoping for her sake (and ours, I'll be honest) that she doesn't have another explosion of teeth. It might be nice to follow that two by two rule. Get two now, take break and work on two more a month or so form now. Guess those molars are serious business.
Send Maeve some love.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A beautiful day
We decided to take a walk to breakfast this morning to enjoy the weather, and unsure how chilly it was outside I got Maeve ready to brave the breeze. Go figure, I bought that hat last year when she was just a few weeks old thinking it would fit this year. Guess she got cursed with Mama's small head.
We had a great breakfast, despite it being from a place that is a bit of a greasy-spoon (not my favorite) as Mark can attest to. The walk home found Maeve snoozing in the carrier. I took the time to walk around and admire all the things I love about fall. It's different when you slow down and breathe in the day. The leaves rustling, the water lapping at the shore. It was wonderful.
By the time Maeve woke up, I decided that the entire day should be spent outside. I returned home to change a diaper and gather some goodies for us to hang out at the park with.
We packed some water, Sophie, her fav book, crackers, and some stuff in there for me too. The sun was out, the breeze was blowing and we had a great time just hanging on a blanket together.
Now I will admit, the pictures today were not just to fill everyone up with a little Maeve. My mission was much more focused than that. I know I am biased, but I just think Maeve is about the cutest thing going. I thought that perhaps others would think the same. Gap is having a casting call for new Gap babies. I took a peek at other kids entered in her age group and both Mark and I think she has a good a chance as any. We're hoping maybe Helen will post Milo's pic there too...they could be Gap babies together. (I'm goofy, I know.)
So here is how it works: A panel of judges will narrow all entries received down to 20 finalists (5 boys, 5 girls, 5 baby boys, and 5 baby girls). Those finalists will be voted on by the public from November 20, 2007 through December 15, 2007. The children who receive the most votes in each category will be announced as winners in January 2008.
If Maeve gets picked to be in the finals, I'm gonna bug you all to vote for her. I guess it doesn't pay much, but Mark and I would get a trip to San Fransico as well as a few other goodies. Besides, maybe someone will see Maeve there and we'll get some leads that will pay for her college. And, you could all be lucky and see Maeve plastered across your local Gap. So start early, send some lucky love!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Underwater diving
I will admit that I probably would not have adventured here on my own, but thought there were some qualified folks around, they must know what they are doing, right??? I did look to see if the other parents were doing it first though. I didn't want to be the only crazy to do it.
We were told to blow into their faces just before putting them under water and then dunk them and pull them towards your body to keep water moving over their faces to decrease the amount of water they might pull in if they haven't closed their mouths. Maeve held her breath on cue and under she went. She came up and was a bit confused and whined a bit about it, but then was fine. So we tried one more time. This time she didn't close her eyes or mouth and I think took on some water. She did cry after that dunk. I guess we'll be trying it again at some other class. Who knows, maybe Maeve will be swimming underwater soon!
Monday, October 1, 2007
One little monkey
Although admittedly not as gruesome as Helen looked here, for an 11 month old, I think it might be the equivalent.
The block she has in her hand is not the guilty party, but perhaps how she retaliated. Her eye was a bit red and swollen yesterday. Unlike Helen, Maeve's is already looking better the day after.
Now you might ask why I would consider posting a picture of Maeve that is somewhat blurry (despite Mama trying to hold her still by pressing my own face against hers). It's because this is about as good as it gets these days (at least for our little camera). She is in CONSTANT motion. Most the pictures come out looking more like this...
Alas, with the help of a crazy bright flash I caught her on camera appearing somewhat still.
Now the day wasn't over. No, No. This one little monkey rolled off the bed, our bed that is. Mark and I are not totally sure how it all transpired. Just moments earlier she was sleeping peacefully, then "thud." We raced in to pick her prone little crying body off the floor. She's fine, she cried some, but she's fine. Mark suspects she was crying more from the fact that she learned that her parents were total morons rather than the shock or pain.
All is well today, no major bumps or bruises to tell of. I'm sure they'll be more to come though!
Friday, September 28, 2007
The countdown
Our girl is busy babbeling, furniture cruising, starting to stand on her own more and more. She is a cruiser with her crawling. Thankfully my two legs still move faster than her four legged locomotion. She knows how to climb stairs, working on going down feet first. It's all great. The world through her eyes is shiny and new.
I'm sure the upcoming month will be just as fun as the rest, perhaps even walking by the end of it. I'll keep ya posted.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
We found the Sophies and as I picked one up, Maeve's eyes lit up and she made a gleeful sound and lunged for her. Now I'll be honest, she could have had that reaction to just about any toy, but then again for those of you that witness her disdain for the snorkeling turtle, you'll know that Maeve doesn't jump for joy over any toy. I must admit I was just thankful she wasn't confused by the fact that it had appeared that Sophie cloned herself a few times over. I'm also glad I wasn't explaining why one of her favorite toys that has been missing for some time was now wrapped in a box at some store. That first pet (and loss of it) is going to be a hard one on this mama.
Well this won't come as a surprise to most of you, I'm a sucker. I bought two Sophies and busted one out of the box right in the store. Maeve was so happy to be chewing happily on Sophie's long legs again. She didn't much care that another Sophie was being gift wrapped right in front of her eyes.
We'll do our best to keep Sophie 2 safe.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Her first official word
I'm sure Mark would love for his name to be next, but we decided today that she hasn't uttered any sounds similar to "Pa" just yet. I swear that when I'm home with her I talk about Pa all the time, but admittedly, Mark is home with her more. I guess Mark will start needed to make some plugs for himself.
And while we are on the topic of official words...where did all the comments go? While it's nice to keep writing and keep everyone updated, it's nice for me to know that you're actually out there reading. No comments is like being on a one-sided phone conversation. I know none of you are that shy, so get writing.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
She can blow bubbles
She did do some kicking too. I don't think she really knew what she was doing, but there must be something slightly innate about it.
While Maeve has an outgoing personality, I think we did her right by exposing her to water since she was born. Most of the other kids are really tentative about the water or just plain do not like it. Maeve has still been squeeling with happiness and likes to be there. Hopefully we'll keep that going and have her swimming in no time!
Well off to sleep. Have a great day everyone.
Monday, September 17, 2007
What a difference 6 ½ months make!
But alas...Helen of Destroy comes through for us.
We hear that Milo is now properly sitting (he wasn't so sure about it for awhile, so would just lounge about like George Castanza on Seinfeld), crawling AND standing. He likes to just go for it and make it a learning fiesta.
I love how adoringly Milo is looking at Maeve. It's like she just made some smart sarcastic remark about that crazy looking penguin in her book and Milo just had to give her a little smile. Yep, that's right, with parents like Mark and I, don't think that Maeve won't be slinging the sarcasm either.
Jake and I were off to the beach in the picture above and just decided to load them both into one Burley. At the time Milo still wasn't so keen on sitting up, but we thought Maeve would help hold him in place. They both got to the beach just fine. Just imagine this time next year, we might be having to pull the bike over to settle a dispute about who's book is who's.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A Girl and her hair
Gone are the humid days of summer (not that I'm sad about that), and gone are the curls that use to adorn Maeve's little head. With the crisp days of fall upon us, Maeve's hair looks like someone ironed it in the morning. Let's just hope this is the only characteristic of my hair she got. I have strong hopes that she'll have nice thick hair like her Pa. I do hope she'll keep hers longer that her Pa is keeping his. (See previous post)
I will say that in addition to the straight hair, she has added a bit of bird's nest appearance after sleeping. Where ever she has been rubbing her head on the bed sticks straight out and gets all fuzzy. Oh that girl just might be cursed.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Swim lessons
She already knows how to blow bubbles in the tub, although does not do it on command, so missed her chance today at swim lessons to impress everyone else. I do believe she is the youngest there and by far the smallest. All the other kids are walking and talking, but I think some of them are closer to 2 or even we're doing OK.
Not that I thought Maeve didn't like the water, just the opposite. I figured it would be a nice way to spend some time with my girl after working all day. Especially as the weather cools some. It will feel nice to get into a warm pool. Of course when you really stop to think why you smell so heavily of chlorine when you get out, it muddies the image of a nice swim (pun intended).
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Meandering to Montreal
This week, through our window we watched the truck arrive in the driveway, get packed over the next few days, and then leave to eventually meet up with the Vanderkinos on the other side of the border. Of course I knew what this all meant, Maeve on the other hand just looked at me like I was crazy and laughed a lot.
Today as I watched and waved to them as they drove away, it set in how much we will really miss them. "Without their loving kindness, I don't know what I'd do." (A line from a Greg Brown song that always brings them to mind.) It's a good thing the seasons are changing and we'll all naturally take a shift into the crisp, sweet weather of fall. I won't have to bemoan that my friends will not be biking with us to the Farmer's Market or sitting out on the front lawn eating yogurt and granola. We can move through the next 9 months, exploring in a different way. Spring will be here before we know it.
We wish them well and expect that Milo's blog will soon be up and running. Helen won't have any more crazy meetings about a little dam up north that no one is communicating about. I hope this will allow her the time to send us updates of Milo and his milestones.
Ciao my friends, until we see each other again. (Our passports will be arriving in approximately 10 weeks).
Tall news on the homefront
It's amazing to me how proud we are of this. We know that she will eventually stand and walk...most children do. Somehow though it is the most wonderful accomplishment. Of course, today when I tired to coax her into doing it, she would have nothing of it. Her mother's daughter....I think so.
Well off to enjoy an beautiful day. Hope you are all well.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Things found in Maeve's diaper
Let's see...
- We have found a piece of a paperback Tom Clancy novel - of which both Mark and I knew right away what the foreign object was. Apparently book covers don't get digested much.
- One of our more recent finds has been styrofoam. I picture the scene went down like this in Maeve's mind..."hhmmm, that looks interesting. What could it be? It feels funny, it makes a squeaky noise when I touch it. What does it taste like? Ohh...just like that rice cake Mama tried to feed me the other day. Stop chewing immediately, just swallow and it will go away."
- A black bean completely undigested. I bet the corn would have done this too except that I ground it up first. I hear Milo passed some corn though. It happens in babies too!
- Grass. A little fiber is how I look at it.
- I am happy to report, as is Grandma Beth I imagine, that I have never found any stones in her diaper. Grandma Beth was very concerned when she was here that Maeve was putting rocks to her mouth. I was pretty sure that none went into the gullet and down the hatch, but one ever really knows. Then again, the fact that I haven't seen it in her diaper could mean that those stones remain in her belly. I hear that folks in other cultures do this on purpose to aid with digestion, or was that sand?? No fear, Maeve ate some sand today.
The possiblities are endless really. It brings to mind my friend's dog. I'm sure Spanky thought he was getting the short end of the stick. That crazy dog ate socks, aluminum foil and various other things. I do think the funniest was when he ate some crayons. His poop was speckled with color. If a human has to pick it up, might as well make it interesting.
I imagine Maeve is trying to spice her parents life up in this same way. Diaper changes can get boring after all. 6-7 diaper changes a day, 7 days a week, etc.....
I leave you with that lovely thought.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Anyway, here in Maeve land we are working on locomotion. Maeve definitely wants to walk, she just has not been handed those skills just yet. She's been holding on to furniture and moving around some and will gladly tip-toe around if you give her a little support. Walking is just around the corner. For now she is crawling. Army crawling days are over though, big girl crawl is here.
Boy can that girl can move. She has the bruises all over her body, mostly her shins to prove it. I have to admit it's pretty darn cute to see her hustling across the park to see what the other kids are up to. Once she gets there she isn't even aware that she's still too small to play. Mama has to step in and redirect her focus. I'm sure those days will be here soon enough.
Other forms of locomotion. Maeve is really digging the swing these days. A month or so ago she thought it was cool and would take a push or two. Now she is happy to be pushed in the swing for 10-15 minutes. I think she'll take after me and like roller coasters and crazy upside down rides. Mark can stay on the ground and keep an eye on all our stuff while Maeve and I throw up our arms and scream into the wind as we roar down the coasters together.
Well, that's it for now. Sorry the posts have been few and far between this past month. The days are full with the day-in-day-out life stuff. I'll try to make September more exciting.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday at the gardens
My friend Lael and I walked through the trails that meander through the prairie for well over an hour. The tall grasses swaying in the wind and crickets jumping to get out of the way made me long for a good hike. I can't wait until Maeve is big enough to take on a small overnight backpacking trip. I carried most of our gear when Mark and I went camping a few years ago, so if he can just carry her, we'll be set.
The CSA was sad to see today. The damage after a long week of heavy rain was apparent. Very sad here in WI. So many of the small farms were hit hard by this last week of rain. Some of those farms estimating in the tens of thousands of dollars for damage. We'll be sure to hit up the Farmer's Market to offer whatever we can.
Well off to rest, tomorrow is another day.
My amazing baby
Well folks, it's been a long week away from the blog. The week in Madison has been a dark, dreary and very rainy one. The shores of the Yahara River and lake Monona are swollen due to all the rain and the rich folk that live on lake Mendota...but I digress. I will say that I was pretty happy about being on the second floor where it was always nice and dry, humid, but dry.
It was a week of indoor activity. Mastering pulling up on the furniture, starting to think about climbing on the bookshelves (oh dear, help the parents) and general baby mayhem. The week ended well though. The sun finally came out on Saturday in time for the Orton Park Festival. To date, this is by-in-large my favorite festival in Madison. Good music, some interesting food, great people watching and last but certainly not least Cycropia Aerial Dance. Cycropia is a dance company that does most of their pieces hanging from some sort of trapeze. They set up their equipment from this grand old tree in the park. The dances are set to music and the tree is all lit up as they dance. There is something magical in my mind about it. And I'll admit that it speaks to the heart of this once-upon-a-time gymnast. They offer classes and I think maybe next year I'll try to sign up.
I selfishly had to see this performance, and seeings Maeve hasn't done so well with nighttime sitters, I decided I would make the sacrifice of possible sleep and wake her up to take with me. The performance started at 9:00pm and my little trooper happily woke up and got dragged along with me. She smiled as usual to anyone that would make eye contact. She even watched some of the performance. Not sure if she was genuinely interested or just darn tired. We made it home by 11:00pm and she went right to sleep. She then proceeded to sleep her 2-3 hours, waking to eat only, and we slept in until 9:00am! I was so proud (and thankful) to my girl. She has won herself an occasional ticket to other late night activities should they arises. We both felt well rested and proceeded to have another great day together.
That's the story of my amazing baby. Doesn't take much to impress this mama!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Blog worthy
Maeve went to the Henry Vilas Zoo and the Mt Horeb Mustard Museum this week. The zoo is a bit ahead of her just yet, but she didn't seem to mind all that much. Until we tried to get her to feed the goats. Not a concept she is familiar with yet, after all, she doesn't each much other than breastmilk herself. The biggest goat climbing the fence and trying to hog all the food did not sit well. Maeve didn't cry, but she didn't smile or laugh either. We'll have to try that one again.
As for the museum, you'll have to ask Mark or the grandparents for that tale. All I know is that she came home with a onsie that says "POUPON U". Mark thinks this is the funniest thing. I suppose some of us never grow out of our potty humor stage!
Hhhmm, what else is blog worthy this week. Aahh, yes, the night of possibilities. I call it this, because judging by the last 2 nights, this is not a trend yet, but a glimmer of what is possible. On Thursday night Maeve went to sleep at 7:15pm and didn't wake up until 3:15am. That is 8 hours for those of you trying to calculate. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, but first I thought she died. I was up at 1, 2 and then 3:15 to check to make sure she was still breathing. It was like the first time she did not cry in the carseat. I thought for sure she must have smothered herself. There was no way my child could have slept that many hours in a row without waking up. Too bad it couldn't have been more like the carseat experience. That was like a light switch that got flipped. We've never had a screaming car ride since. But as I said, the last 2 nights we haven't been so lucky. I did try to give her as much praise as possible, but that didn't seem to have much affect.
Well, it's raining here this weekend. Trying to fill our days with indoor activities. Makes me tremble at the idea of being stuck in this apartment this winter. We'll have to get Maeve a good down snowsuit so we don't go crazy indoors.
Off for now. Hope you are all well.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Two Rivers and Manitowoc
The first thing we wanted to hit was a kayak paddle down one of the rivers that ended in a street fair, Roger Street Days. Well, Maeve lived up to her sleeplessness as usual and we didn't get to bed until very late Friday night. It did mean that we slept in a bit Saturday we missed the paddle. We decided that was OK and took a bike ride to Manitowoc. Had some ice cream sodas and treats from one of the oldest shops in town. The towns boast that they are the originators of the 'sundae.' I can't confirm or deny this, but at least every ice cream shop in town did sundaes really well. We biked back to Two Rivers in pursuit of Roger Street Days. The advertisements promised music, dancing, food, beer....the usual fare. Well, when we finally stumbled upon it, all I could think to myself was that I have seen more people show up for a blood drive. It was a really sad sight to see a few families camped under a couple tents eating their hot dogs and music playing from a boom box. We almost sat down out of pity, but instead decided to go hang out at the beach.
Maeve as usual had a great time in the water, despite it being pretty cold. That girl is a 'Sconie after all. If you close your eyes and imagine salt in the air, you could almost convince yourself that Lake Michigan is an ocean. You can't see the other side and the wind kicked up the water so at one point decent size waves were rolling in. Maeve did cuddle up for some warmth when she was done playing.
On Sunday we spent some time at Kohler-Andre State Park. It's beautiful there and we'll definitely have to go again when we have some more time. The park is just south of Sheybogan, again on the shore of Lake Michigan. Lots to see, beautiful landscapes and a little more fun playing in the surf.
Until the next post! Goodnight Madison!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
First things first though. The initial folks that looked like a bunch of amoebas were the flock of girls that surrounded Milo on the street. Those boys eyelashes just pulled those girls in like moths to a flame. Should have heard them ooohing and aahhing at him. Then they saw Milo's girlfriend, Maeve. Another few oohs and aahs and they were off. We then took the celebs to the gelato shop to cool down.
Maeve and Milo sat/stood/crawled/bounced/bopped, you name it, on the bench next to us. It's amazing to see their little bodies always in motion. Always making corrections and adjustments. Their little orange clad bodies were sometimes wrapped around each other as they made their way. Gross motor skills and motor control depend upon the proper functioning of the brain, skeleton, joints and nervous system. Soon they will master that and move on to the fine motor movements.
What I would trade, beg, borrow or steal to witness just a few more moments like these before they move on .
Sunday, August 5, 2007
If you have read it then you'll think Alternababysister is funny too. Katie is Maeve's babysister, alternababysister that is. Do not be fooled by the tattos, the self-admittedly low cut shirt and funky hair. Katie is not your average gal, she is all the things you want in someone caring for your kid though. She's warm, fun, caring, has the voice of an angel, plays the guitar and the list goes on. Maeve adores her and Katie tells me the feeling is mutual.
Mark and I attempted a night out on Friday with Katie as our stand-ins. She did great, Maeve on the other hand decided she was going to try out Katie's bag of tricks. Eventually we came home early 'cause it sounded like our girl had had enough and well, we want Katie to want to come back. We gave her some combat pay that will hopefully make up for the bad night.
Accidents happen
At dinner the other night, Mark had just finished frying up some fish and put mine on my plate. I was busy getting Maeve into her highchair so we could all sit down. That girl and her lightning fast moves grabbed a piece of the fish before I even saw it coming. Her little brain had not had to process something so painful until that moment so it was a delayed reaction for her to open her hand. By the time I got the fish out and we got her hand under water, she already had a blister forming.
She's OK. She has 3 small blisters on her right hand. After some TLC, and hour of crying and some ibuprofen she finally went to sleep. I thought she might be affected by it today, but it didn't seem to slow her down at all.
We all survived the event and like I said, I think this is the first of many to come.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Fun at the dinner table
Soooo, we've just adopted the 'have at it' method. She seems pretty happy right? Her face and everything else around her is covered in the cracker she was eating. Then there was the spaghetti noodles that I gave her to play with. Those puppies were stuck to everything.
Then there was the clean up. Another fun activity for baby that created more work for Mama later....but well worth it in my opinion. I had a chance to clean up most of the dinner things while she played on the floor in the water. There was tons of water on the floor, but that needed to be mopped anyway.
I bet you are all dying to have Maeve over for dinner at your house!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I love this thing!
Maeve had a love with Megan's coffee table. She could stand next to it and practice her new skill, but best of all she could crawl through it. The first run through didn't produce great results. She had not figured out that the floor was a bit of a drop, so on her way out she did a face plant. That only happened the first time though. After that she was set to go!
Bean Town, USA
Maeve and I just returned from a long weekend in Boston. We had a great time at Megan and Ciaran's place with the entire Healy clan, et al. . I must admit I'm a bit jealous that my little sister lives in a way better apartment than I do. Then again, ya get what you pay for!
Well, I must admit, I'm a bit tired right now and have been trying to figure out how to get pics posted from a website to this darn thing and have failed miserably. So I'm going to call it a night and come back to post tomorrow.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Crazy hair and a few teeth
Who could resist this face? These are the first pictures that Mark and I actually got that show her teeth. We have many blurry shots of the top of her head or the floor in efforts to share her teeth with you. I think on the above one she had just woken up and I stunned her!
My opinion is that Maeve looks a lot like me in the first picture, but this next picture, she is a spitting image of her Pa.

Monday, July 23, 2007
Sleep - According to Wikipedia
I did not think the necessities for survival really required so much coaching. Lets see, breathing, sucking, swallowing....she seemed to figure these things out just fine. WHY can't she figure out the sleep.
Maeve has taken to waking in the middle of the night and crawling around the bed. Mostly on top of me. You ask, "why is she in bed with you?" Well the answer to that is, I'm trying to get as much freakin' sleep as possible. This tired body is not even willing to get out of bed and take the few steps the the crib any more. Mark is enrolled in our night-time routine now and is experiencing the sleep deprevation more now too.
After some further internet investigation (which of course has the answers to everything) I believe I may have diagnosed Maeve - Maeve has Morvan's syndrome which is people born with the rare genetic disorder Morvan’s fibrillary chorea orcan. Therese folks can go without sleep for several months at a time. This must be her! We're going to the doctor's office tomorrow, I'll run it by him.
PS - I'm really joking about the Morvan's syndrome...just in case you midwesterner's didn't get that!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Parenting lesson #495
That's all I have to say about that!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Picture updates as promised
Nothing too exciting to report today. Maeve did get 2 more teeth at the end of last week and is working on the other 2 teeth that are ready to come in. It has made for very rough sleeping and a cranky baby. I can't believe that I actually have the phrase 'cranky baby' and Maeve in the same sentence, but alas it is true. Hopefully we'll be back to normal soon.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Camping Trip, Part II: The Fun
The previous post may have left you with the idea that camping with a baby really sucked - it certainly made me think that....but that was just one piece of it. The camping trip was actually a lot of fun.
The campground we were at was surrounded by two small lakes, Luna and White Deer Lake. There is a trail around the lakes that we had a chance to walk. Lots of lush green mosses, ferns, wild blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. That was just what was on the ground. Above ground we got to see a section that seemed to be woodpecker haven. I think we saw at least 4 species of woodpecker - one being the elusive Pileated woodpecker. Jake was our tour guide through that area and I felt like I was on an episode for the Discovery Channel.
You say, "It's July and you're wearing long pants and fleece?" LOL - it was predicted to be 75 and 20% chance of rain. Well, it was more like 60's and 100% chance of rain.
Ultimately we had a great time. Good company and beautiful surroundings. Try, try again - that's how the saying goes and I think we will.
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Camping Trip, Part I: The Irony
Do you remember the first 4 months of Maeve's experience with the car/carseat....not so good. The car/carseat would automatically induce panic mode. I thought my sister was going to have a coronary on one ride. The car wasn't even parked yet and Megan was pulling Maeve out of the carseat to stop the screaming. Then, poof!!! One day, the crying stopped. I had to pull over because I thought for sure she must have stopped breathing. Low and behold, Maeve found peace with the car/carseat.
Now apparently she has found even more peace. This weekend Mark, Maeve, Jake, Helen, Milo and I went camping in northern WI. Admittedly, our arrival was a bit crazy. We had to set up the tent at midnight in the pouring rain (the rain stopped the moment we were ready to climb into the tent). Maeve just got to hang out in the car during all of that though. We finally had our nest all set for the night, brought Maeve in, I thought I could nurse her and we would all settle down for a good night sleep. Instead, Maeve thought it would be fun to crawl around the tent and her parents for the next 2 hours. Finally, Mark took her back to the car, strapped her into her carseat and out she went. I think she was glad to have the element of newness removed so she could sleep.
You would think after 24 hours and more time to explore the tent that she could settle down for a good night sleep the second night....NO. Back into the car for some sleep. I think if we camp again, we might just have to pull the car up along the tent and let Maeve sleep in the car while mama and pa stretch out in the tent for some sleep.
Overall it was a good trip and I think we'll have to try it again. The Eisly family adventures in sleeping just get better and better.
Oh yeah - pictures, some really good ones coming up. I promise, I promise that I will be updating with pictures soon if I have to go get a card reader tomorrow myself!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Channeling Aunt Megan
I'll begin in a cephalocaudal fashion (head down for you non medical folk).
Her head - Maeve's hair is red enough to elicit a comment about her hair color from just about everyone. I seem to remember everyone thinking Megan's hair was going to be strawberry-blond. Now look, she's some version of blond...what's the number on the bottle Megan?
Her nose - Maeve has recently figured out how to voluntarily move air through her nose. She likes to crunch up her nose and sniff in and out. Megan used to do the same thing. Megan's probably started from some wicked post-nasal drip, the poor kid, but we encouraged it so much it became her party trick.
Her nose again - Maeve has an obession with her thumb like no other. Recently she has started curling her index finger around her nose while she sucks away. It's been a long time, but I do remember Megan doing the same thing. Oh and the little button nose, that's like Megan's too.
When you bring a child into the world there is a little hope that you'll recreate yourself to some degree (replace yourself if you will). It appears that I have helped recreate Megan. Perhaps some day when I become an Aunt, I'll see some of my attributes in that little person.
The one thing I can hope for is Maeve not being just like her Aunt through the teen years. I already suffered that once, I don't think I need to do that again! Love you Megan!!!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A few picture updates