Monday, July 9, 2007

Sleep when you're dead!

Sleep when you're dead...this is Maeve's new motto.

Apparently sleep and teething are mutually exclusive. Maeve is working on 4 more teeth, this time the upper ones. All are on the verge of breaking through and until they do, she'll be chewing on anything, including myself sometimes - which is not good. (Dad, stop laughing!) I find myself continually checking to see if the teeth have broken through, as if that is going to make the time go by any faster. It is mildly entertaining though. Just imagine if we as adults had to endure all our teeth coming in at once (for some of us it would be great to get an adult set of teeth - touché Dad!). I know I would probably be self medicating heavily. I would choose to go through labor and birth 5,000 times over (and that I would do drug-free) before enduring tooth/mouth pain!

Really Mark and I should have known the day Maeve was born that she wasn't going to be a sleeper. Born at almost noon and didn't go to sleep until 3 Am. That's 15 hours - what newborn does that???

The other thing that has become apparent to me recently is that a young human's survival instincts do not kick in for some time. I know this because if they did, the young human in our lives would know that her parents need some sleep before they go insane. I also know this because Maeve shows no fear as she reaches the edge of the bed and would otherwise go right over if one of us was not around to put a stop to the perilous fall. Alas we love her too much, even in our sleep deprived state. We'll continue to beat the pavement and protect her as much as we can.

Signing off, wish me a good night sleep.


Helen S. said...

Milo's mum here. I found a little piece of art to hang above Maeve's bed and hope the power of suggestion will rub off on this incredibly alert little girl!

Megan said...

Is Sophie la Giraffe who I think she is? Maeve really knows how to pick her toys! Remember to bring your bathing suits so we can hang by the pool!

Grandma Beth said...

Why are you blogging and not sleeping? I heard from a reliable source that Maeve took her nap, enroue to the PO. You need yours in self defense. Sweet Dreams.