Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lots going on

It's really interesting to me how as you get older (BTW it's Mark's 33rd birthday today) that time seems to go faster and faster. Yet when you are young time seems to drag on and on. The wildest thing of all that is when you're old, the day to day doesn't change all that much. Perhaps that is why time goes faster, you'd get bored otherwise. On the other hand, when you're young, new things are happening all the time.

Let's see...Maeve has had another tooth explosion. Two teeth at the beginning of the month when Grandma and Grandpa where here. Now two more have popped through, with two more on the way.
She is walking a little bit more. She can walk just fine, but I don't think she has her confidence built up just yet to really let go and go for it.
Maeve is talking more. The aforementioned 'Uh-oh' and attempts at other words.
Maeve is mimicking more too. I can't figure out why she does not know how to wave yet, she sure studies everyone waving enough.

So, while our days as adults have slowed in general, Maeve has helped fill them up with new things all the time.

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