Monday, January 21, 2008


I do not want to curse this, but certianly wanted to share in my joy. Maeve slept through the night for the very FIRST time Friday, January 11th. And I do not mean some variation of that definition to make myself feel better - I mean what you all experience everyday (including Helen and Jake who's kiddo has been sleeping through the night for MONTHS). We didn't see any repeats though so didn't think it would be worth mentioning.

Until, last night, the 20th we had another all nighter. From 7:30pm until, get this, 6am when Mark was walking around for practice. I brought her to my own bed then, nursed her and we slept for another 2 hours. It was glorious - and a very nice treat for a day off from work (yet another thing to be thankful to Martin Luther King Jr for).

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -- "Strength to Love," 1963. - Martin Luther King Jr.

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