Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Parenting Lesson 798: Preparation

Crib sheets: There should be standard minimum that the store in which you've purchased the crib from shares with you. My idea - no less than 3 crib sheets and at least 2 under/protective sheets. Blankets (if your kiddo uses them) and PJs are also amongst this list and the minimum there = many.

I have been working with sub-par materials thus far. Having been woken up in the middle of the night a few times now to a crying child with vomit or a diaper blow out is how I've discovered this. You're lucky if only the top sheet and maybe a blanket gets it - that's a quick change. But the undersheet - involves some more techinical manuvering that at 3am one is not typically prone to. If the undersheet is soiled, one must gather it all up and get down to the laundry, ASAP. Granted, now in the house, this step is a little less involved. I don't need to get completely dressed and go outside the house to access the washer. The hope is the darn thing will be washed and dried by time the next night rolls around.

So, I'll be looking on the internet for some deals on the undersheet and crib sheets...because of course I had to get odd shaped crib sheets that go along with the Stokke Sleepi Crib that cost a fortune. Of course it's a very svelt crib, made having a crib in the last apartment even possible (thanks Mom and Dad). If anyone sees a deal, let me in on it.

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