Sunday, January 13, 2008


Thanks to mainly Mark's persistance, today Maeve signed (as in sign language) "eat." Mark and I have been signing a few words to her since she was about 6 months old. I remember reading somewhere that it takes many months before children sign anything back, and it usually end up being around 15 months. Well, today it paid off.

After a nap, I was busseling Maeve around to perhaps go out for a walk on this fine snowy day. Maeve had other plans in mind though. When I wasn't understanding what she was asking for with grunts, she put her little fingers together and brought them to her mouth for the sign "eat." I wasn't sure at first that it was truly what she intended, but when I asked her if she wanted to eat, she seemed happy I had gotten the message. We marched downstairs (yes, we can march downstairs now!) and promptly got some food. And if I wasn't sure that she meant to sign today, I think because of the postive reinforcement, she continued to sign "eat" for the rest of the day.


Mimi Susan said...

You will have to show me the sign
so that I can ask Maeve too!

Helen S. said...

How cool! So much better than the Vanderkinos' sign for eat: scream loudly at parents until someone shoves something in my gullet. Congratulations Maeve!

Debbie - Maeve's mama said...

LOL - you go Milo. Well for Maeve, apparently the "eat" sign stands for anything that goes into her mouth. She did add today pointing at whatever it was she wanted to put into her mouth, i.e. water. We'll have to work on that a bit more.