Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Case of the Missing Boot

For close to a week now, one of Maeve's boots has been MIA. May not seem like a big deal, but when it is the only pair of shoes that my child will keep on, it was a bit disconcerting. While Mark and I had no idea where the boot might be, we did know that Maeve had stashed it somewhere. Maeve is big on putting items into other things.

An APB went out and Mark and I set to looking in all the usual places, the drawer with all her cups, her purses, the hat/mitten basket, but no boot. We searched high, we searched low, and yes, we even searched in. Searching in included sifting through the diaper pail before the diapers went out to make sure Maeve had not placed it there. I figured out to look there for things when one day I found Maeve had stuffed all the diaper covers in the pail. That probably explains the two missing diaper covers too!

Alas today, Mark and I had given up. We thought the boot might be in the trash, but after so many days, we had resolved ourselves that the boot was a goner as neither of us was willing to put it back on Maeve after living in the trash for a week.

Leave it to another kiddo though to find the other boot. We had a two year old over tonight and as he searched through the toys (which I did many times) he pulled out a boot. I was delighted although not completely convinced it wasn't the one boot we knew the where abouts of. A sigh of relief when I had the left and the right together again.

Tomorrow I suspect Maeve's feet will be warm for the first time in a week. Ah, she didn't seem to mind.

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