Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fun at the dinner table

In attempts to get Maeve to eat something, we've gone to just having food time be fun time as much as possible. Mimi and Pop Pop can attest to the fact that Maeve will suck the juice out of a piece of chicken in her little mesh bag, but she isn't such a big fan of getting spoon fed mushy food stilll.

Soooo, we've just adopted the 'have at it' method. She seems pretty happy right? Her face and everything else around her is covered in the cracker she was eating. Then there was the spaghetti noodles that I gave her to play with. Those puppies were stuck to everything.

Then there was the clean up. Another fun activity for baby that created more work for Mama later....but well worth it in my opinion. I had a chance to clean up most of the dinner things while she played on the floor in the water. There was tons of water on the floor, but that needed to be mopped anyway.

I bet you are all dying to have Maeve over for dinner at your house!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Her hair is getting that "over the ear old man crazy" look